Practice Areas
Because Fine, Olin & Anderman, LLP (FOA) is committed to working with union members, everything we do is to benefit the worker. Whether you come to FOA because you have been injured on the job and are eligible for Workers’ Compensation, or can no longer work and need Social Security Disability Benefits, have a Personal Injury, or need an attorney for General Legal Services or Veterans Disability Benefits, we will be right there with you every step of the way, no matter how long it takes.
Practice Areas
Who is Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits?
Social Security Disability Benefits are available to workers who:
- Are at least 18 years of age but have not yet reached their full retirement age; and
- Have worked 5 of the last 10 years (40 quarters) preceding the date of disability with FICA (Social Security) deductions (no “off the books”). Workers who are age 32 or younger only need 6 out of the most recent 12 quarters.
- Cannot, for medical reasons, hold any substantial, gainful employment for at least a one year.
- All three of these criteria must be met by applicants to be considered eligible.