National Electrical Safety Month, supported by the Electrical Safety Foundation International, is dedicated to promoting electrical safety in the home, school, and workplace. You can help reduce the number of electrically-related fires, fatalities, and injuries by taking the right steps towards safety.
Each year, workplace electrical incidents result in more than 300 deaths and 3,500 injuries. For every 13 electrical injuries, a worker dies. Most of these fatalities and injuries can be prevented. Here are some great ways to help prevent electrical accidents in your workplace:
1. Follow Valuable Information and Manuals: Follow all regulations in order to work as safely as possible in an electrical project.
2. Wear Proper Equipment: Wear all the necessary protective equipment appropriate for the job you are performing.
3. Follow All Industry Codes and Standards: Check out an overview of various laws, regulations, and codes in place to protect anyone working with or near electricity.
4. Create an Office Safety Checklist: Make sure all of your electrical equipment is plugged into the same circuit. Make sure your electrical cords are place where they cannot be cut by sharp desk or drawer edges or rolled over by chair legs. Get more office safety tips.
Learn more about Electrical Safety Month by visiting the Electrical Safety Foundation International Website.