Nail Gun Safety in the Workplace

Nail guns have replaced hammers in wood frame construction. They are powerful, easy to operate and boost productivity for nailing tasks. However, nail guns can be extremely dangerous and lead to serious injuries if used incorrectly. Nail guns are the leading cause of injury among residential carpenters and responsible for an estimated 37,000 emergency room visits each year.
What Can You Do to Prevent Nail Gun Injuries?

Workers can talk to their employer about nail gun safety and prevention. Employees can also:
• Take training courses
• Follow workplace procedure
• Wear protective equipment provided
• Follow a manual if available
• Report injuries and close calls to supervisors
• Seek medical attention immediately after an injury

All nail guns have the potential to cause serious injury or even death. Using a gun with a bump automatic trigger can result in unintended nail discharge. Other risks include lack of training, working fast and keeping the trigger squeezed when not nailing. Take the proper safety precautions before using a nail gun for any project.

Read more nail gun safety tips from the CDC.