A new report by the International Trade Union Confederation sheds light on the state of workers’ right across 139 countries. ITUC evaluated 97 different workers’ right metrics like the ability to join unions, access to legal protections and due process, and freedom from violent conditions. The group ranks each country on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the worst protections.
The study found that in at least 35 countries, workers have ben arrested or imprisoned as a tactic to resist demands for democratic rights, decent wages, safer working conditions and secure jobs. Murder and disappearance are regularly used to intimate workers in at least 9 countries.
Denmark received a perfect score. The only country to do so. The nation abides by all 97 indicators of workers’ rights.
The U.S. scored a 4, indicating “systematic violations” and “Serious efforts to crush the collective voice of the workers.”
Check out this map to take a look at the world rankings.