Union Dues Are Now Tax Deductible

Did you know that your union dues are now tax deductible? Well, you can thank your union for this benefit.

Two years ago, the New York State AFL-CIO along with unions across the State of New York fought for legislation that would allow union members to deduct union dues on state income taxes.

Effective in 2019, union members can NOW deduct their union dues from state taxes provided they itemize deductions.  Please note that tax payers can now itemize deductions on state taxes even if they do not itemize on federal taxes.

With this new state tax benefit in effect, it is projected to give back approximately $35 million to union members throughout New York State!

Fine, Olin & Anderman, LLP is Union Strong and stands with unions.  FOA  is proud to support unions and union members.


Source: https://nysaflcio.org/news/deductmydues