Category Archives: new york state

Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics: Get the Facts

The NYSDMC released statistical data in regards to motor vehicle accidents in New York State. Motor Vehicle Crashes in 2013 • There were a total of 304,804 crashes in New York State in 2013, only 259,740 were reported by police. • Of those 304,804 crashes, 1,109 (or 4%) were fatal. All were reported by police. […]

New York State Passes Tougher Distracted Driving Laws

78% of all teens say they have read a text message while driving, according to And 71% of all teens admit to having sent a text message while driving. The new laws put in place on November 1, which bring a stiffer penalty for those caught talking on a hand-held device or texting while […]

The Most Dangerous Cities in New York State

A social media website, released a list of the top 10 most dangerous cities in New York State. The rankings were based on five factors: the number of law enforcement officers, violent crime rates, property crime rates, the number of registered sex offenders, and the percentage of population enrolled in health care. #10: Auburn […]