Job Site Safety: 12 Hazards that Cause Injuries and Deaths

The workplace can be extremely dangerous if proper precautions aren’t taken. It’s also important to be aware of the hazards in the workplace that cause injuries and or deaths.

1. Chemicals: Corrosive chemicals have a variety of uses, including making new chemicals and products. However, chemicals can cause burns to the eyes and the skin, which may lead to serious injuries or even death. When working with chemicals, be sure to use the proper Personal Protective Equipment to protect yourself from a chemical splash.

2. Motor Vehicle Accidents: vehicles are a key part of nearly every industry. Motor vehicle crashes continue to be a frequent cause of work-related injuries and deaths. It’s important for employers to implement company safe-driving policies and procedures and offer a safe-driving training program to their employees.

3. Caught in the Bite: Crushed hands and arms, severed fingers, blindness are all possible machinery –related injuries that may result in permanent injuries or even death. Safeguards are essential for protecting workers. Employers should ensure proper use of safeguarding and reinforce the program by training, education and enforcement. Employees should avoid using loose clothing and jewelry and keep long hair tied back.

4. Slips, Trips and Falls from Vehicles: Slips, trips and falls from vehicles are common injuries that can keep skilled workers off the job for weeks while they recover. Injuries may occur when a driver is distracted or may be caused by maintenance issues, such as slippery surfaces. It’s important to never text or talk on a phone while walking on steps or operating a motor vehicle. Spills should be cleaned up immediately, and employees should protect themselves by paying attention and wearing appropriate footwear in the workplace.

5. Cut by Machinery: Wounds to the fingers are a frequent injury in the workplace. Identify dangerous parts of machinery and the hazards associated with each part. Employers should involve workers in identifying hazards and should train employees often in the proper use of safeguarding.

6. Struck by Falling Object: Being struck by a falling object is another common hazard in many industries. It’s important to always wear hardhats whenever there is a risk of head injury from impact or from falling or flying objects. Barricade overhead-hazard areas and post warning signs.

7. Overexertion: Overexertion, such as low back or shoulder strain, is one of the most common causes of workplace injuries. Lifting is the most frequent cause of overexertion injuries. For safety tips on how to avoid back injuries from lifting heavy objects, visit our blog.

8. Electrocution: Working with or around electricity has long been recognized as a serious workplace hazard. Direct contact with an energized source can cause instant death. Know the electrical safety rules for your industry. Do not modify electrical cords or use them incorrectly – also use equipment and tools according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

9. Falls from Elevations: Falls are the leading cause of work-related deaths and permanent injury in the construction industry. Guard every floor opening, overhead platform, elevated work station or area where a worker could fall into. Employers should develop, implement and commit to a fall-protection program.

10. Burns: Burns and scalds are common in the food industry. Deep fryers are the most common cause of serious injury claims. Always use caution when working around hot oils, and never leave hot oil or grease unattended.

11. Fall from Ladders: Many workers are injured every day from falling off ladders in the workplace. Injuries can happen if the ladder isn’t positioned properly and moves or falls over. Employers should make sure workers are trained in the safe use of all ladders. Employees should choose the proper ladder for the job, and check the duty rating.

12. Slips, Trips and Falls: Slips, trips and falls make up the majority of general industry accidents. It’s important to step carefully and wear sturdy shoes with slip-resistant soles. Clean up any spills immediately and place caution signs on wet floors.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in the workplace, we can help with you workers’ comp claim. Contact us today for a free consultation.
