Category Archives: work-related illness

Is Your Job Making You Sick?

Researchers at Stanford & Harvard recently conducted a study into how stressful work conditions, such as unpredictable hours, unreliable management and unreasonable job demands affect workers health. According to the study, which was published in “Behavioral Science & Policy” some workplace stressors do in fact negatively affect employee’s health. Most of the stressors sited are […]

NYC Nail Salon Day of Action

On Thursday, May 21nd a “nail salon day of action” was planned and implemented in NYC. Government officials and volunteers joined together to provide educational resources for New York City nail salon employees. The movement was planned after a New York Times article was published exposing the deplorable working situations many nail salon employee’s face […]

Preventing Hypothermia in Outdoor Workers

Working outdoors in harsh weather conditions can leave workers susceptible to illness like hypothermia. Due to the long-term effects and potential fatalities of cold illnesses, a few prevention tips could save safe a life: Dress the Part: Avoid Cotton and Goose Down Clothing is the single most important resource to keep you warm. Once wet, […]

The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure & What You Need to Know About Mesothelioma

For nearly a century, asbestos was one of the most commonly used materials in construction, shipbuilding, and manufacturing. By the time researchers discovered the negative effects asbestos has on our respiratory system, millions of workers had already been exposed to the lethal material. Exposure to asbestos has been linked several types of respiratory diseases and […]

Heat Illness and Death Among Workers – Get the Facts

Exposure to heat and hot environments puts workers at risk for heat stress, which can result in heat illnesses and death. Under paragraph 5(a)(1) in the “general duty clause” of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, each employer is required to “furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment […]

2,500 Ground Zero Workers Have Cancer

According to The Post, more than 2,500 Ground Zero rescuers and responders have been diagnosed with cancer, and a growing number are seeking compensation for their illnesses. The number had skyrocketed to 1,140 cancer cases reported last year and in its latest tally, the World Trade Center Health Program at Mount Sinai Hospital counts 1,655 […]

Preventing Heat-Related Illness in Outdoor Workers

A recent NIOSH report offers advice to employers on the importance of preventing heat-related illness in workers. The report is based on an evaluation of heat stress at a national park in California, but the agency said its recommendations  can be applied to other worksites where extreme heat may be a factor. NIOSH found that […]

Chemical Safety Should be Required, Not Just Requested

Many workers have been killed as a result of direct chemical explosion or fire. No matter what the case was, all of these tragedies were preventable. In New Jersey, at least 90 facilities in nearly every county still use highly hazardous chemicals that put the public in potential danger. At least 68 schools are located […]

Preventing Heat-Related Illness in Outdoor Workers

Heat Illness can be deadly! Every year thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and unfortunately some even die. Heat illness is preventable. Employers are responsible for providing workplaces that are safe from excessive heat. Employers should: •    Establish a complete heat illness prevention program to prevent heat illness. •    Gradually increase workloads […]

Reports of Worker Fatalities During Flowback Operations

There is very little published data regarding occupational health hazards during oil and gas extraction operations. NIOSH request assistance from oil and gas stakeholders in further characterizing risks for chemical exposures during flowback operations and develop and implement exposure controls. NIOSH has learned that several worker fatalities have been related to flowback operations through media […]